
I have done quite a lot of different graphical exercises and projects during my time as a student and afterwards as a way to keep up my skills and expand them. They are fun to make and lets me play around with the different tools in the Adobe program package.

I have chosen to display some of them here. These graphics are mostly fictional and are not made in collaboration with anyone.

Legal disclaimer: As a way of not stepping on any toes legally, I have chosen not to show my graphical work from my position as a Graphics Designer at Dansk Supermarked. If you should wish to view these I can show them to you in a face-to-face interview.



During my 2 semester at school we were asked to create a composition working only with three elements: the letter C, circles and lines.

The idea with the assignment was to train our ability to make a layout, see in graphical forms and shapes and to train our creative abilities.

My professor gave me a high score on this assignment. Saying that I achieved the goal of being creative and having a comprehensible design.



In my 3 semester our professor asked us to re-do or spif-up an old logo/label and afterwards make a brochure to tell customers about the makeover.

I choose the beer label "Thisted Bryghus" and worked with the idea of making a new beer bottle label. This was a fun and, at the time, very challenging project.



I had to create a poster for the Half Marathon in Aarhus were I had to give the runner movement and give a sense of location. I also had to play a lot with the wording and how to set up the typography. I chose to go black, white and grey to give the poster a more serious look and feel.



This was a fun little patterns project where I had to make a pattern with colors, figures and lines.

The idea was to restrict myself to few colors, figures and lines and work them together into an uplifting pattern.


Poster design

An exercise in design. I choose to design a poster for the movie "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock


Poster design

An exercise in design. I choose to design a poster for the movie "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock